Gifted & 2e Resources
Gifted & 2e Book Recommendations
Books for Parents
Make Your Worrier a Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Child's Fears
Dan Peters
A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children
James Webb, Janet Gore, Edward Amend & Arlene DeVries
Differently Wired
Deborah Reber
The Gifted Kids Survival Guide
James Delisle and Judy Galbraith
Understanding Your Gifted Child From the Inside Out
James Delisle
Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind
Arthur Costa & Beta Kallick
Insight Into a Bright Mind
Nicole Tetreault
Living with Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults
Susan Daniels and Michael Piechowski
Why Will No One Play With Me
Caroline Maguire
Misdiagnosis and Duel Diagnosis of Gifted Children and Adults
James Webb, Edward Amend, Paul Beljan, Nadia Webb, Marianne Kuzujanakis, Richard Olenchak, and Jean Goerss
How the Gifted Brain Learns
David Sousa
The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated and Chronically Inflexible Children
Ross Green
The Mislabeled Child: How Understanding Your Child's Unique Learning Style Can Open the Door to Success
Brock and Fernadette Eide
What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life
Sharon Saline and Laura Markham
Embracing the Whole Gifted Self
Patricia Gatto-Walden
The Rainforest Mind
Paula Prober
Normal Sucks
Jonathan Mooney
Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism
Diane Kennedy, Rebecca S. Banks and Temple Grandin
The Gifted Parenting Journey: A Guide to Self-Discovery and Support for Families of Gifted Children
Gail Post
Twice-Exceptional Boys: A Roadmap to Getting It Right
Deborah Gennarelli
Twice-Exceptional Children: A Handbook for Parents of Neurodivergent Gifted Kids
Emily Kircher-Morris
What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life
Sharon Saline
Books for Educators & Counselors
To Be Gifted & Learning Disabled
Susan Baum, Robin Schader & Steven Owen
Total School Cluster Grouping & Differentiation
Marcia Gentry with Kristina Ayers Paul, Jason McIntosh, Matthew Fugate and Enyi Jen
The Cluster Grouping Handbook: How to Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement for All
Susan Winebrenner and Dina Brulles
Differentiated Lessons for Every Reader
Dina Brulles, Karen Brown and Susan Winebrenner
Counseling the Gifted & Talented
Linda Silverman
Democracy and Education
John Dewey
Fair Isn't Always Equal
Rick Wormeli
Fulfilling the Promises of the Differentiated Classroom
Carol Ann Tomlinson
Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World
Heidi Hayes Jacobs
The Art and Science of Teaching
Robert Marzano
Classroom Assessment & Grading that Works
Robert Marzano
Gifted & 2e Organizations
SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted)
NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children)
Hoagies Gifted
Davidson Institute
Gifted Homeschooler's Forum
Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa
Most states have at least one gifted site for educators and parents, some have two.
Psychology / Therapy Support
Summit Center
The Amend Group
The Gifted Development Center
Gail Post
Jenkintown, PA
Matt Zakreski: The Neurodiversity Collective
New Jersey
Tina Harlow: Guiding Bright
Steamboat Springs, CO
Valery Fradkov
Warwick, NJ
Paula Prober
(Adult specialization)
Eugene, OR
Megan Parker Peters
Nashville, TN
S. Abigail McCarrel
Arcadia, CA
Jerald Grobman
New York, NY
Dr. Sharon Saline
Northampton, MA
Gifted & 2e Facebook Support Groups
Hoagies' Gifted Discussion Group
Parents of Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Kids
Twice Exceptional/2E Network International
We Are Gifted 2 - Educators & Community
Gifted Adults
TEFOS Executive Function Summit
Gifted 2e Adults